Amanda Pospisil

Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance, University of Akron

Master of Music in Vocal Performance, University of Akron

Amanda Pospisil is a born and raised resident of Bath Township. Amanda studied under Dr. Laurie Lashbrook receiving both her Bachelor and Masters degree in Vocal Performance at the University of Akron. Amanda spent her collegiate career gracing the stage in lead roles of The Marriage of Figaro, Gianni Schicchi, The Magic Flute and Street Scene along with mul�ple opera scenes performances. She has been a compe��ve singer accomplishing many accolades through her career. She has sung in mul�ple fes�vals in Taos, San Francisco, Newfoundland and across Europe. She has also spent �me direc�ng and choreographing for local showchoirs. Amanda is an alumnus of Revere High School and ETC, School of music.

Amanda would like to teach students to use their own voice by learning the correct techniques that involved with singing. Through she is classically trained she is excited to use her knowledge for students who love musicals and pop music.